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Nima Yangji Sherpa

From her mother's point of view:

When I learned that my husband had died in an accident, I did not believe it. The day before, in the evening before the accident happened, I spoke to him on the phone. When our relatives gathered. I wasn't able to control my emotions and then I fainted.

My biggest concern is the future of my daughter and the costs of my daughter's education that I can not afford as she wishes. My financial condition is very poor, and because our family does not have a breadwinner, we do not spend our life as desired.

Here, I want to add my short story.

My late husband promised to buy colors and a school bag once he returned before leaving for work. My daughter is still waiting for her father to come back. My daughter doesn't know her dad has passed away, so she's waiting for her dad to come back and give her colors and a school bag.

Since my late husband and I are both uneducated, he had to work in the field of mountaineering. If I had an education, since my husband is no more, I could have taken care of myself and my family. For that reason, I want to give my child a proper education so that she can be self-sufficient and self-reliant and doesn’t have to depend upon others and have to face difficulties in life like me.

She is partially sponsored by our generous donor YuShan Li.

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